Global Emerging Market Proprietary Investing

ADV&Co. is a private family office dedicated to sovereign and quasi-sovereign fixed income Emerging Markets worldwide with some 30 years experience. We are private investors with patient capital and invest on a proprietary basis only. Our international network is committed to supporting an extended family. We regularly contribute to the Emerging Market Charity Fund for Children and are a member of the Emerging Markets Traders Association (EMTA).


investment approach

We are private patient investors managing proprietary capital across the Emerging Markets and other high yield sovereign, quasi-sovereign and distressed debt opportunities globally. The permanent nature of our capital base provides us with the distinct advantage of being able to invest patiently over various macroeconomic cycles with a long-term perspective and ride out volatility yet with the flexibility to respond nimbly to short-term trends and market dislocations when they arise. We opportunistically seek value from market imperfections and undervaluations, not by extracting usury rates from debtors. When a restructuring is necessary we favour a negotiated approach where creditors contribute to improve the creditworthiness and market access ability of the debtor, always seeking the middle way to balance the interests of debtor and creditor.


 Over the last 30 years the principal of ADV&Co. has been actively involved with the sovereign, quasi-sovereign and sub-sovereign debt of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Vietnam, Indonesia, Morocco, Algeria, Belize, Jamaica, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and many others.


ADV&Co. opinion pieces and views are accessible to EMTA members only. Click below or contact us to receive a copy.

Sovereign Superbond"The Sovereign Superbond: a blueprint for future sovereign debt restructurings," July, 2016
Flexbox Guide"Thoughts on the Restructuring of the Bonds owed by the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico," March 30, 2016. 
Last Season"Ukraine debt restructuring: the right way is the middle way," 15 June, 2015.